June 2016
Create a design brief template online
A design brief, commonly referred to as creative brief, is a document created during the planning stages of a project, which helps collaborating designers and stakeholders come together in understanding the project at hand. (more…)
The Typographic Desk Reference, 2nd ed.
A reference guide of typographic terms and classification with definitions of form and usage for Latin based writing systems. The TDR is an encyclopedia, listing countless entries on the typographic arts. (more…)
Netflix’s new ‘N’ and the state of logo design
Netflix unveiled a new app logo this week: a simple “N,” made with a red band that folds over itself like a strip of celluloid film, or maybe a red carpet. (more…)
Master of Arts in Visual Arts “Reading Type & Typography”
Applications are open for entry to the English Master Programme Reading Type & Typography of the Graphic Design Department at University College PXL-MAD (Media, Arts & Design), Hasselt (BE), for the academic year 2016–2017. (more…)
The First Feature Documentary About Dieter Rams
Support the world’s first feature documentary on legendary designer Dieter Rams, and in helping preserve his design archive. (more…)
For the love of Unicode by Alphabettes
What is Unicode and how did it become the universal standard for digitally representing the world’s writing systems (yes, including emoji)? (more…)
Non-latin type design workshop with David Březina
Design Observer – 50 Books and 50 Covers winners
Congratulations to all the 50 Books and 50 Covers winners! The best designed 50 Books of 2015 here: dogroup.co/28Rfzqn + the best designed 50 Covers here: dogroup.co/28Rfzqp
Graphic Design Graduation Show in The Hague
This year the Graphic Design class of 2016 from the Royal Academy of Art The Hague (KABK) is pleased to announce ‘Kiss and Riot’. A manifestation of multi-disciplinary works by forty-two talented International students. (more…)
Writing your way through the history of broken scripts
On the weekend of 16th and 17th July 2016 typeface designers, graphic designers, calligraphers, typographers etc. are welcome to attend the workshop and lecture series on broken scripts (blackletter) and get to know three of the main broken scripts through writing!