TagHow fonts influence perception of your product
“Graphic designers have always used typography to visually connote written language, conveying aspects like mood, personality and age.” A story by Alessio Laiso.
2016 – A year in review by Sébastien Morlighem
“Although 2016 was marked by pressing environmental, political, economical and social issues that seemed to spiral into crisis, it is safe to say that the type community continued to thrive.”
Emoji Ambivalence, an essay by Bianca Berning
“So here I am, a year later, trying myself as an emoji designer and simultaneously exploring possibilities of bringing this font to life. And that, I discovered, is a bottomless pit if I’ve ever seen one.”
Has the internet killed curly quotes?
Web publications tend to favor straight quotation marks, a pragmatic approach to typography that old-school stylists can’t stand. An essay by Glenn Fleishman, The Atlantic.
15 of PRINT’s most popular typography articles of all time
PRINT created a list of their most popular type and lettering articles from the past year, and all time.
How to start a revolution with Comic Sans
Could something as simple as font have been the catalyst for the spread of punk or behind Donald Trump’s win? An exploration of the hidden power of typefaces by Kemi Alemoru & Louis Bradley, Dazed.
Making S#!t Ain’t Easy
Designer Eric Lobdell shares his story of making a font. From enthusiasm to a free & friendly sans-serif typeface Affogato.
The perception of black & white and the effect of contrast
En essay on the ‘black’ and ‘white’ in typography by Ferdinand Ulrich. Published at FontShop Blog.
Klim – Welcome to the Infill Font Foundry
In his essay, Chris Sowersby reacts to an interview with Rudy VanderLans by Sébastien Morlighem. Chris discusses the “In-fillism”, a VanderLans’ neologism refering to “a point, where type designers are simply filling in the few remaining options left.” Furthermore, he writes about font distribution and promotion and compares contemporary situation with late ’90s and early ’00s. (more…)
How typography can save your life
What words look like matters — in some cases, a whole lot. An essay by Lena Groeger, published by ProPublica.