Type design workshop for students
Type design workshop for medium/advanced young designers/students, who already are working on a particular font (text or display), and who are in the state of progress, in which they still do need professional critique and advice. The workshop will take place on 13 September at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technologies (PJAIT), Warsaw, Poland. The workshop is free.
There are a lot of great, fresh ideas and starting points, students were already working on while other type design workshops at university, f. ex. Due to the amount of time, type design actually is demanding, a lot of them unfortunately got stocked, continued working without professional guidance, and would like to discuss their designs with a professional.
Under the guidance of Verena Gerlach, the participants will work hands on on their own typeface in progress, to learn how to take it to completion.
The applicants would have to apply by handing in a portfolio or a sample of a typeface / font, they are already working on. The students will need to bring b/w laser print outs from their typefaces: specimen and some examples of text, the size they are planning to use their typefaces in (A4, landscape), also laptop with Glyphs or FontLab.
1998, Verena founded her studio for graphic design, typedesign and typography in Berlin. Since 2006, she has been working as a freelance book designer for the art book publisher Hatje Cantz. She started lecturing in type design, and typography in 2003, and she now gives lectures and workshops all over the globe. She also is working on the typographic production for international, contemporary artists. In 2013, Verena published her book “Karbid – From Lettering to Type Design”. 2014, she took part of an artist and residency program by Goethe Institute Bangalore on lettering and the textile industryin India.